Jean Genet wrote his play, The Maids, to be played by two men in
drag. But until this Living Theater production, the play was always
played by two women. This production was ground breaking for that
era. An important moment in the history of art and in not only the
Gay Liberation movement (which did not yet exist at that time and
probably would not have existed without this production, without the
Living Theater's audacious cultural advances, and the concepts
brought forth by this so very important group), but in all theater,
racial, and cultural liberation of the following decades, which we
now tenuously enjoy. This group patiently and with amazing persistence furthered the foundation for the ideas that brought a
rethinking of and improvement of life views, at least in the
democratic societies of the world. They worked in smaller theaters,
off Broadway, college theaters and the like. But they always had a
superbly intelligent, intellectual, and truth-seeking audience of
people who were and became strong bearers and believers in ideas to
improve ourselves and society. The Living Theater's influence was
enormous. Trust me on that.
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