Andre Ratti got me my first press pass.
Andre was Swiss and was studying in Berlin when I arrived. Jeno
brought me to meet Andre, who lived at the time in a cheap, bare
attic apartment. In Germany, all students' tuition and a modest
stipend was paid for them. Unless they were wealthy, students lived very
cheaply and frugally.
These photos were taken in Andre's apartment.
Though he appears relaxed in these photos, among good friends, Andre
was absolutely the epitome of Swiss refinement, upbringing and
traditional manners. When Jeno and I arrived, Andre, ever the perfect
host, put a kettle of water up to boil for tea. We then got engrossed
in conversation and the water continued to boil, until Jeno noticed
it and went to pour it on the tea. Andre jumped up, stopped Jeno,
poured all the water out, refilled the kettle and proceeded to boil
fresh water. In his world, one simply did not use water that boiled
past reaching the boiling point.
Then, after tea, Andre explained to me how the world of higher
education worked and Jeno tried to make himself useful by washing up.
When Andre and I were finished conversing, we went over to see how
Jeno was doing. Jeno, who had some time on his hands after finishing
had decided to clean Andre's filthy-looking old teapot, and very
proudly showed Andre how sparkling white he had gotten the kettle.
Well, Andre almost had a heart attack. It seems he had spent years
getting that thick old tea-stain patina from umpteen pots of tea onto
that pot. The pot was perfect, and now, in the twinkling of an eye,
Jeno had undone all that patience and time and turned a masterpiece
back into an ordinary pot. Of course, we all ended up roaring for
laughter. But that was how Andre was.
After finishing school in Berlin, Andre went back to Switzerland to
begin a career as an editor of magazines and books which was his
area of study as a student. His first job was as editor of the Swiss
journal "Die Woche" and he promptly sent me a press card from "Die
Woche" (which I still have).
We remained in touch for quite some time, even meeting in the US,
where Andre spent some time learning his trade more thoroughly.
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